Purchase a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one or as a celebration of life. Each poinsettia is $10.00. Return filled out order form with full payment. Must be received on or before Dec. 17, 2023 to SUSAN WRIGHT or place in the offering plate. Make checks out to Growth & Nurture – Godfrey Congregational Church. Give to Susan Wright or mail to ATTN: Susan Wright, Godfrey Congregational Church, PO Box 214, Godfrey, IL 62035.


I would like to order:                                           ______ In Memory of

             (Please print names as you would         ______ In Honor of

              like to see them in the bulletin)             ______ In Celebration of the Life of



Given By:_______________________________________________________

Number of Poinsettias ordered ___x $10 = _____    Paid $ ❑ cash  ❑ check